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Welcome to WOW!
WOW is a site for bloggers whose main focus is content.  Great content. Are you a blogger who's looking for readers for your blog?  Maybe you're looking for other great blogs to read?  Perhaps you're a new blogger looking for a community of like-minded bloggers?  If so, WOW is for you. Here's how to become a member:

Join the Conversation: Visit WOW or a least a few times a week and leave a comment on the "Blogger of Note" post (this is how you "join the conversation").   This is the best way to meet other "bloggers of substance".  A few times a week we will be highlighting one of our WOW members as Blogger of Note (BON).  Visit the BON to let him/her know that you are visiting from WOW and become part of the conversation on their great posts by leaving thoughtful comments.

Become a Blogger of Note: If you'd like to be highlighted here at WOW, contact us at, include a link to three of your favorite/best posts. Let us know that you'd like to be Blogger of Note. We will get back to you.  Bloggers of Note will be selected from the ranks of WOW members who "join the conversation" regularly by commenting on WOW's daily posts and by visiting and commenting on the featured BON.  So be sure to visit often.

Questions?  Contact us at